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Bold Bodyguards [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Read online

Page 9

  “Turn here,” Cora directed. “Go two miles and turn left. At the end of the drive is the farmhouse.”

  “We’d gone quite far. I wondered if you’d forgotten to give me directions.”

  “I was lost in my thoughts. I woke up in time.”

  “From the look of your rigid posture, and your darting gaze to keep from facing me, I’d say I was in those thoughts and they weren’t happy.”

  “Do you care either way?”

  Kohana pulled to the side of the road. He turned to face her. “Yes, I care. But I have to be honest, I’m not sure whether I’m going to stay in Triple Creeks Township or not.” His fingers brushed her hair off the side of her face and traced the outline of her lips.

  Cora’s heart sank at his words. Yet she trembled from his touch.

  “I’ve loved you for years. I couldn’t put you out of my mind, but I kept on exploring the world and fighting for what I considered good causes. I want to stay, but I want to be sure I’ll not change my mind in a few months or a year.”

  “There are no guarantees in life,” Cora said. “You taught me that the first time you left. I was so certain we’d end up married. It took me a long time to get over the hurt.”

  He put his hand behind her head and bent his until their foreheads touched. “I’m sorry.”

  “Won’t it be dangerous for you to go back now that you’ve lost your spleen? You may be more open to infection.”

  “Perhaps, but I have another problem, too. One I’d like you to help me with.”

  “What is it?”

  “I got my right wrist twisted and sprained during the time I was in captivity. I had a light cast on it in the hospital. It’s not as strong as it was before. I use that hand for shooting. I can shoot left-handed, but not as well.”

  “You want me to do physical therapy for your wrist.”


  “And if it gets well I’ll be helping you prepare to leave.”

  “Not necessarily. I may take Kel up on the job and also help my dad with his ranch. I’d raise some horses to train and sell them.”

  “You’d be busy. What are you trying to tell me, Kohana?”

  “That I’m a risk. I don’t know for sure what I want to do. It’s up to you whether you want to take a chance on me.”

  Cora stared at him. Her mind was full of questions she didn’t ask. “I guess I’ll have to think about it,” she said finally.

  Kohana nodded, kissed her softly, and then he pulled back onto the road and drove on.

  Chapter Ten

  When they got back to the ranch, they saw Gavin and Garrick’s trucks parked by the back door. “It looks like everyone is inside,” Cora said.

  “We’ll stop and tell them what happened and show them the drawing Russ did. He’s very good,” Kohana said.

  “He’s been working with the FBI for a long time. His drawings have helped the police capture several killers.”

  Kohana parked and came around to open her door. Then they knocked at the kitchen door and walked in together.

  “We thought you two must be having dinner with Kohana’s parents,” Garrick said. They were all sitting at the table.

  Heather got up. “We have plenty of food. Beck, honey, bring two chairs from the dining room, please.”

  “We don’t want to interrupt your meal,” Cora protested.

  “It’s not a problem. I always cook more than enough.” She piled two plates with food.

  Gavin and Garrick repositioned their chairs. Then when Beck brought the other two, he placed them so Cora sat between Garrick and Kohana.

  “What made you late?” Garrick asked when they were seated.

  “Let them eat while the food is hot. We’ll talk over coffee,” Heather said.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Garrick said. He smiled at Cora and picked up his fork.

  When they were finished, Cora helped Heather remove the plates and replace them with smaller ones filled with apple pie and ice cream. Heather refilled the coffee cups and once they were all settled, she nodded to Kohana.

  “We had an interesting afternoon.” Kohana explained about Cora almost being kidnapped.

  Everyone looked at her. “I saved myself. It was frightening, but I’d been taught what to do and it worked.”

  “Still, it wouldn’t have been necessary if you hadn’t left Kohana behind,” Garrick said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  “Don’t start lecturing me. I heard enough from the Sheriff and Kohana.”

  “How are we going to find this guy?” Gavin asked.

  Kohana described the van and Cora showed them the drawing Russ had done. “It’s a very good likeness,” Cora said. “Kohana recognized him, too.”

  “Why did the guys in Atlanta think they had them all?” Garrick asked.

  “I’m not sure, but they missed at least one. I expect Kel will call them. Maybe I’d better check with him.” Kohana reached for his phone just as it rang.

  “Hi, Kel. I was getting ready to call you. I expected you did. They say they have him. It doesn’t make sense. I’m certain from the drawing he’s the man who accosted Cora. Yeah, we’ll keep her close. Okay.” He turned off his phone. Everyone was looking at him.

  What did Kel say?” Cora asked.

  “They have the exact same man in custody. Kel sent them the drawing. The only explanation I can think of is he’s a twin.”

  “That’s darn clever. And being in the van he managed to escape us.”

  Garrick put his arm around Cora’s shoulders. “We came too close to losing you.”

  “Won’t he leave town now that we’ve seen him?” she asked.

  “Nope. They want to get to Kohana. We’d better put guards on your parents’ place,” Gavin said. “Or better yet go see them, explain the situation, and move them to our ranch. It’d be easier to keep an eye on everyone in one place.”

  “Good idea if we can make Dad agree. He can be stubborn.” Kohana glanced at Cora. “You can go with me. They like you. You might be able to convince them.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Garrick said. “You might need backup.”

  “Then let’s go. It’s getting late.”

  They took Garrick’s truck since it had a full-size backseat. When they got to the ranch, the lights were burning inside and out.

  “That’s strange. Dad doesn’t like to waste electricity. He usually waits to put the outside lights on when they go to bed.”

  “Stay here,” Garrick told Cora as he and Kohana got out. “We’ll check around the outside.”

  But Mr. Shanley came to the door with his rifle when they started to walk toward the house. “Who is it?” he yelled.

  “It’s me, Dad, and Garrick and Cora.”

  His dad opened the front door. “Come on in.”

  Garrick got Cora and they all went inside. Kohana’s mom got up to greet Cora and hug her.

  “We’ve missed seeing you,” she said.

  Cora blushed. “I’m sorry. I keep busy with my work and volunteer jobs.”

  “I’ve heard about your work overseas.”

  Kohana had been looking out the window. He glanced around when he heard his mother’s words, and he looked surprised. Then his dad said something and he turned his attention back to him and Garrick.

  Cora sat with Mrs. Shanley and explained what had been happening to her and Kohana. Mrs. Shanley looked with concern at her son.

  “I’ve feared he’d be hurt bad someday or killed. I do wish he’d settle here. His dad can use help with the ranch.” She looked straight into Cora’s eyes. “You want him to stay. I can see it.”

  “Only if he chooses of his free will to make this change in his life. If he does it because we want him to, he’ll leave and not come back the next time.”

  She took Cora’s hand and touched Cora’s chest over her heart lightly with her other hand. “Are you willing to risk your heart knowing how badly it hurt last time?”

  “I don’t know if I have a choice. My mind and b
ody recognize him and still loves him in spite of the warnings I try to tell myself.”

  “What about his friend, Garrick? I see him looking this way often to check on you.”

  “I think I love them both. Would you and Mr. Shanley be terribly upset if we had a threesome marriage? That is if it all works out that way.”

  “There are many happy threesomes living here. It is not unusual. Although your parents and my husband and I did not make such a choice.” She looked from Cora to Garrick and Kohana. “Perhaps in your situation it is best.”

  “You mean in case Kohana decides to up and leave?”


  “I won’t marry Kohana if I see any doubts in him.”

  “You think you will know?”

  “My heart will know as much as is humanly possible.”

  “Then you have my blessing, and I’m sure his father’s. We have always liked and admired you. I’d be pleased to have you for a daughter-in-law.”

  “Don’t get too excited. We’re a long way from a wedding ceremony.”

  “I’m an optimist. I believed my son would return and he has. I will believe in you three.”

  Cora got up and joined the men at the window. “Did you see someone?”

  “Dad heard someone sneaking around outside before we came. Whoever it was must have left by the back road. Dad’s agreed for him and Mom to come to Garrick’s house with us.”

  “Wenona, pack a bag. We’re going to stay with Garrick for the next few days.”

  Kohana’s mom got up and hurried to the bedroom. When she’d finished packing, she went to the kitchen and gathered some items from the pantry and refrigerator.

  Cora had gone with her, but wasn’t much help since she didn’t know what she wanted to bring. Still, Mrs. Shanley seemed to like the company.

  Kohana drove and Garrick and his dad watched out for a white van. Cora sat in the front between Garrick and him. Mr. and Mrs. Shanley were in the back.

  “He’s long gone,” Kohana said. “He had a busy unproductive day, but I don’t doubt he’ll try again. This time we’ll be ready for him.” He turned into the ranch driveway and drove past the main house on down the road to Garrick’s.

  “What a lovely home you have,” Mrs. Shanley said as they walked inside.

  “I’ll show you to your room. After you’ve settled come out and I’ll give you the tour,” Garrick said. He walked to the hallway. “Cora is using the back bedroom. I thought you two might like the front.” He led the way and Kohana followed with their suitcases.

  “We’ll be very comfortable here,” Mrs. Shanley said. “You all go on and do whatever. As soon as I unpack I’ll join you.”

  “Can I help?” Cora asked.

  “Certainly. You can hang the shirts and dresses in the closet.”

  * * * *

  Garrick had already headed to the kitchen. Kohana and his father followed.

  “It is good to see Cora,” his father said.

  “Very good. I hadn’t forgotten her.”

  “I didn’t expect you would.”


  “You look like your mother, but you are like me in many ways. When I was young, I left, too. That’s why I understood your wandering desire. I did not stay gone as long as you. But when we visited you, I noticed the necklace. I knew you’d return.”

  They walked in the kitchen and sat at the small table set against the wall. Garrick fixed coffee and put a package of chocolate chip cookies on the table. Kohana took a deep breath and faced his dad.

  “I came here to protect Cora and to heal. I’m not sure I’ll stay for good.”

  His dad took the cup of coffee Garrick handed him. He drank a sip and then put the cup down. “You will stay.”

  “You can’t know that, Dad.”

  “Then we’ll see who’s right. Here’s Mama and Cora. Come join us.” He got up and pulled back the chair for his wife. Garrick did the same for Cora.

  Kohana leaned his chair back on two legs and observed. Maybe they’d all be better off if he left now, before the possibility of him hurting them more later on. Garrick sat beside Cora and put his arm on the back of her chair. Kohana saw himself as a self-contained man. He didn’t get lonely. He was comfortable in his own skin.

  However, right now, here in a room full of people he cared about, he sensed deep sadness and loneliness. They weren’t emotions he was familiar with.

  Cora glanced at him and reached out to take his hand. “Are you okay?”

  He forced a smile and said yes. Although a twinge of sadness remained heavy in his heart.

  When they’d finished, Mr. Shanley stood and took his wife’s hand. “We’ve had a busy day. We’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Garrick got up from his chair. “If I’ve gone to work in the morning before you get up, please treat the house as your own. There’s plenty of food in the refrigerator and freezer.” He grinned and said, “Some of it is yours.”

  “We’ll do fine. Don’t worry.”

  “Son, you’ll be here when we get up?” his father asked.

  “Yes. I’ll be guarding you.” He walked with them to the bedroom. Kohana kissed his mom goodnight and hugged his dad. “Holler if you hear something.”

  “I will.” Just before his dad closed the door he whispered, “We’re half-deaf and sleep sound.”

  Kohana looked puzzled. His dad grinned. “In other words don’t let us slow you down.”

  He hadn’t blushed in years, but he did now. His dad laughed and shut the door.

  He’s smart. Now he knows I’ll behave or the picture of him whispering to me will pop up in my head.

  Chapter Eleven

  “How did the rest of your day go?” Garrick asked.

  “Parts were good and some not so much. It’s difficult to give a definitive answer,” Cora said.

  Garrick poured them another cup of coffee. “I gather there were problems between you and Kohana.”

  “Part of the time, but not all day.” Her face flushed when she thought about their earlier lovemaking.

  “Are you too embarrassed to tell me the two of you made love?”

  Now her face really felt hot. “Of course. It isn’t something you talk about to another man you care for.”

  “It is if we’re considering a threesome relationship.”

  “You two may be considering such a relationship, but I’m still not convinced it’d work.”

  “I guess we’ll have to show you.”

  “Have you been in one before?” Cora leaned forward waiting for his answer.

  “Once. We thought we’d found the woman for us, but we all eventually realized we cared for each other, but not enough to marry. We’re still friends with her. She married a guy we knew and liked.

  “We hadn’t considered it again until I met you. We’ve connected, and I think there are feelings between us. Kohana and I are best friends. He told me about Triple Creeks Township and that many of the people here had this type of marriage. I suspect you still have feelings for Kohana. I can see it working for us.”

  “See what working for us?” Kohana asked as he rejoined them.

  “A threesome marriage,” Garrick said.

  “I like the idea,” Kohana admitted.

  Cora jerked her head back. “You do? Then you’re planning on staying here?”

  “I can see Dad and Mom need me.” He regarded Cora.

  “I don’t want to leave you. I’ve never gotten you out of my mind. However, if I’m needed, I may occasionally want to go out on an assignment. I’d know Garrick was here taking care of you.”

  “You want to have it both ways.” Cora got up. She blinked her eyes to keep back the tears. “I’m not sure I want that type of commitment. In fact, I know I don’t. If we did this, I’d want a full commitment from both of you.” She walked out of the room.

  * * * *

  “I guess I didn’t handle that very well,” Kohana said.

  “No. But I think the longer you’re here, the
more you will realize you don’t want to go back. This is a good life.”

  “Do you think she’ll want children?” Kohana asked.

  “She loves other people’s children. Yeah, if she can have them, she’ll want them. I’m going to go talk with her. See you in the morning.” Garrick strode out of the kitchen and down the hallway to Cora’s bedroom. He knocked softly on the panel.

  “Go away.”

  “It’s Garrick. Let me in, please.”

  She opened the door a slit and frowned at him. “We’ve talked.”

  “I really want to make love to you, and then hold you tight.”

  For a long moment she looked back at him. Then she stepped away from the door letting him inside.

  Garrick pulled her into his arms. “You’ve been through a rough day. Let’s shower. Afterward, I’ll give you a massage and you can sleep.” Her eyes looked dreamy and hopeful.

  She led the way into the bath. Since she’d already had on her nightgown, it didn’t take her long to get naked.

  Cora got in the shower and adjusted the temperature while Garrick quickly undressed. He placed a condom package on the counter right outside the shower. Then he joined her.

  He pulled her close and the warm water ran over their bodies. Garrick grabbed the soap and after making lather in his hands, he rubbed her shoulders, arms, and legs. When he rose from doing her feet, he took the soap and repeated the process. This time his fingers and hands caressed her breasts and nipples, and he kissed her neck.

  He loved tasting her and touching her soft skin. His lusty passion for her rose quickly. His cock ached with the desire to be inside her hot pussy. When she rubbed her fingers across his nipples, he gasped. Then her sweet, soft, hand slid downward and took hold of his hard dick.

  She stroked the length of his shaft and all around the girth. Cora raised her face, and he couldn’t resist her rosy lips. When he kissed her all he was aware of was her touch and her taste. He touched her clit and she sighed. His finger stroked along her lower lips to her pussy opening.


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